Anderson Insurance Blog: agents wheaton
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Thursday, August 15, 2013 Good Driving Habits = DISCOUNTS! Customers that have no tickets or accidents in the past three years save anywhere between 25 - 50% off their insurance policy. We save clients money every day by making sure their policies are the right fit and written correctly. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 12, 2013It seems like there are a lot of crazy drivers out there. Speeding, cutting us off, tailgating, looking at their phones and at everything else but the road, etc. BE SAFE AND PATIENT WHEN DRIVING It could... ...prevent tickets & accidents ...prevent road rage your life & others' lives READ MORE >>
Friday, August 9, 2013Want to Save Paper? Time? Checks? Stamps? It's So Easy... Visit our website at and pay your bill online. It's simple and the payments get logged in immediately. Just click the tab "Make a Payment" and the system walks you right through the process. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 8, 2013Not getting good customer service? At Anderson Insurance Brokers we value our customers and we pride ourselves in the best, quality customer care! Our friendly customer care specialists are the most knowledgeable and helpful in the insurance business. Call or click today for a free quote. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 4, 2013Yes. NO April Fools Day here! You just bought a new vehicle and don't want to wait in those long lines & pay so much money! Here at Anderson Insurance Brokers we know that every penny counts! We are now approved to offer low cost original plates. Stop by and get your plates today! READ MORE >>
Friday, March 15, 2013The first thing customers notice is how the customer service is and that is extremley important!! A customer will faithfully stay with you sometimes due to just that, even if the price may be a little higher than the next door agency. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 7, 2013The best advice when trying to save money on your insurance costs is to shop it every renewal. Often times we become lazy and stay with the existing carrier because its easy and convenient. If you have companies bid on your insurance coverage you might be surprised what you may find in the insurance marketplace. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 20, 2013Here are some ways to save money on your Home, Renters or Condominium Insurance to make it more affordable. Make sure if you have these items that you let your agent know as it can save you up to 20% off your existing rates: + Anti Theft Discoount if you have an alarm + Smoke Detectors READ MORE >>
Monday, December 10, 2012Many of our customers ask, "Where are my discounts on my auto insurance?" Well, if you are like many of us, the last thing you want to do is pay higher premiums for auto insurance than you need to. So, here are a few discounts that you might be eligible for and when you can get them. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 3, 2012Winter driving tips As the temperature drops, consider some of these tips to help you stay safe and minimize the potential hazards posed by cold weather, winter storms and icy roads. Tips for winter drivers Winter is a beautiful and also potentially dangerous time of the year. READ MORE >>
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