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Thursday, March 7, 2013The best advice when trying to save money on your insurance costs is to shop it every renewal. Often times we become lazy and stay with the existing carrier because its easy and convenient. If you have companies bid on your insurance coverage you might be surprised what you may find in the insurance marketplace. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 5, 2013Take all precautions when you are driving in the snow. Don't take short cuts. When you leave your work it's a good idea to take the time to brush off your vehicle and scrape the ice from your windows. Make sure your head lights and tail lights are free of snow. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 27, 2013I called Anderson Insurance for auto insurance that helped me out with my sr-22. I did not have prior insurance so they helped with a non standard auto insurance company for 3 years to do my SR-22 filing. since then i have had no problems for in recent years they have added online payments so i can make my payments. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 20, 2013Here are some ways to save money on your Home, Renters or Condominium Insurance to make it more affordable. Make sure if you have these items that you let your agent know as it can save you up to 20% off your existing rates: + Anti Theft Discoount if you have an alarm + Smoke Detectors READ MORE >>
Monday, February 18, 2013Many of our clients ask "What is an Sr-22?' An Sr-22 is for usually for someone that had a violation that the State of Illinois wants to keep track of them for a period of time. Usually they are required for on year but some violations require you to have an SR-22 for threee years. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 18, 2013When your home is vacant some people decide not to insure it. Well, the cold hard facts are that this is the most important time to insure it! When a home is vacant the types of claims that arise are : pipes freezing, vandalism, roof damage that goes unnoticed, broken windows etc. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 1, 2012Quote your own auto insurance at your convenience! Need a quote at midnight. You got it,! Sunday afternoon. You got it,! New Years Eve night. You got it,! READ MORE >>
Friday, September 7, 2012We have some exciting news! We all know Flo the Progressive girl! Well, we now have the ability to bundle your home insurance with Progressive and give you a discount! Progressive is an A+ rated company and the 4th Largest carrier in the United States. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 29, 2012Lately there have been more and more questions about what medical payments on an auto insurance policies covers. In todays economy many are wondering if its wotrh keeping this coverage. Medical payments on an auto insurance policy covers the insured and/or family members when occupying a vehicle. READ MORE >>
Monday, August 27, 2012Shopping for the lowest rate for low cost auto insurance can be tricky. When you compare auto rates versus other forms of insurance, the rates can be high so its always good to investigate. Affordaple auto insurance is definately a reality if you take some basic steps to get the right coverage. READ MORE >>
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