Thursday, October 3, 2013 What is an SR-22? An SR-22 is a certificate of insurance filed by the home office of an insurance company directly to the Secretary of State. The SR-22 certificate is issued in one of the following forms: Operator's Certificate - This policy covers the motorist in the operation of any non-owned vehicle. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 4, 2013Protect Your Dwelling! We offer Homeowners Insurance and Renters Insurance for all types of dwellings. Households with claims or losses, vacant homes, older homes, new homes, rental properties, apartments, condos and vacant land, just to name a few. We insure it all! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 Like George Carlin said, "A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff." Protect your house and your stuff! Home owners insurance, renters insurance. ANDERSON INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. Call or click for a FREE quote WHEATON (630) 681-8000 READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 WHY YOU NEED HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE Why wouldn't you want homeowners insurance? Your home is one of your largest investments. It makes sense to protect it, doesn't it? In addition, mortgage companies usually require it. Fire, theft, accidents. . . READ MORE >>
Saturday, July 13, 2013Why Buy Business Insurance?
Insurance is a provision of protection against uncertainly. Nothing in this world is guaranteed, and many unexpected things happen every day. When it comes to business insurance, you may need to protect yourself against many things you can think of, such as financia... READ MORE >>
Monday, April 22, 2013A motor vehicle report is also known as a driving history report. It's an official document that provides information about your driving record. Name Gender Date of Birth Height Weight Eye Color Hair Color License Class Special license endorsements (This may include items such as a hazardous materials endorsement for a CDL driver. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 18, 2013Flooding can create extremely dangerous driving conditions for drivers and their cars on roadways. Anderson Insurance Brokers advises drivers to prepare themselves and their car. Drivers are advised to monitor weather conditions, "If it is not safe to travel and you don't have to travel, don't drive. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2013Many people do not like to buy auto insurance because they think it is a waste of money, when in reality it can save you money! Most states, including Illinois require all drivers to have auto insurance. If you are caught driving without auto insurance the citation can be up to $2,000. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 8, 2013Just a friendly reminder to our insurers, fans and followers! if you have not gotten your taxes done, the last day to file is Monday, April 15th. So go visit your accountant and get those done! A great way to use the extra money is for your insurance, and we can help you with any of your insurance needs here at Anderson Insurance Brokers. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 4, 2013Yes. NO April Fools Day here! You just bought a new vehicle and don't want to wait in those long lines & pay so much money! Here at Anderson Insurance Brokers we know that every penny counts! We are now approved to offer low cost original plates. Stop by and get your plates today! READ MORE >>
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