Thursday, August 1, 2013Some of you may remember the old "full service gas stations". The attendant would check your oil, car fluids, tire pressure...Those days are long gone. So are cheap gas prices. These days you need about $70 to fill the average gas tank! Yikes! We can't do anything about the price of fuel, but we can save you money on your insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 31, 2013If you have tickets and/or accidents you may be worried about getting auto insurance. Don't sweat it! We can take care of you. We represent many insurance companies, most of whom will insure you, even with tickets and accidents. A few of our insurance companies: AAA READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 30, 2013 "Arrrrrrrgh!" It seems like everywhere I go there's road construction? Orange cones, big yellow trucks, lane closures, signs that say "SLOW". These are not sights we like to see. Yet they are all too common in Illinois. So how can we deal with some of the construction delays? 1. READ MORE >>
Saturday, July 27, 2013I admit it. Having teenage drivers in the family makes me a little nervous. Ok. More than a little. I am somewhat comforted by the fact that we have adequate insurance coverage for them when they get behind the wheel. You're probably thinking, "Insuring a teenage driver will make my rates go up! READ MORE >>
Friday, July 26, 2013 We can insure your classic car! If you have a collectible car, please explain this when obtaining a car insurance quote. When it comes to a collectible car, you need to protect all you've invested in the vehicle. Two ways to differentiate between a collectible car and a just plain "older" car are the amount you have invested in the car and the rarity of the car. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 25, 2013 For your convenience we offer renewal of license plates and new plates. We can take care of it all in one of our offices. We make it easy and quick! ANDERSON INSURANCE BROKERS, INC. Wheaton Office: 1831 E. Roosevelt Rd., Wheaton, IL (630) 681-8000 Chicago Office: 3542 W. Montrose Ave. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 24, 2013AUTO INSURANCE POLICY There are basically six different types of coverages. Some may be required by law. Others are optional. They are: 1. Bodily injury liability, for injuries the policyholder causes to someone else. 2. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 WHY YOU NEED HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE Why wouldn't you want homeowners insurance? Your home is one of your largest investments. It makes sense to protect it, doesn't it? In addition, mortgage companies usually require it. Fire, theft, accidents. . . READ MORE >>
Monday, July 22, 2013RELIABILITY. CONFIDENCE. CREDIBILITY. These qualities are what make us a worthy insurance agency. We want to help you find the best protection for you, your loved ones and your belongings. Anderson Insurance Brokers, Wheaton READ MORE >>
Sunday, July 21, 2013 IT'S NOT JUST A LAW, IT'S A LIFE SAVER! According to Illinois Secretary of State, Effective January 1, 2012, Illinois law requires all passengers, regardless of age or location in the vehicle, will be required to be secured in a seat belt or an appropriately approved child restraint system. READ MORE >>
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