FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2012
Lightning damage to Home Electronic Equipment results in losses exceeding $26 Billion annually in North America, according to the Lightning Protection Institute.
Protection from lightning is challenging because it can enter the home in many ways: through the ground, water, plumbing pipes, cable and electric lines. And electric surge can travel as far as a mile, which means one nearby lightning strike- on average the width of a quarter, packing 100 million volts, and hotter than th esurface of the sun- could potentially fry unprotected equipment throughout the entire neighborhood.
Surge protectors can protect your valuable electrontic equipment. Better surge protectors have higher joules ratings. This number refers to the amount of energy that can be absorbed, or dissapated, in the eventr of an electrical surge. Look for surge protectors with ratings above 1000 joules (top end ratings are 7000 joules). High-quality surge protectors should also have phone and coaxial protection. Computers, routers and set-up boxes need surge protection not only for power supply but also from all other connections, such as phone and coaxial cables.
Most homeowner insurance policies provide cover damage casused by electrical storms and lightning. However, soem companies put limitations on the coverage.
At Anderson Insurance Brokers we have many forms of homeowners insurance to protect your Home Electronics! Give us a call at #630-681-8000, 773-588-3500 or 866-681-8700.
Posted 3:12 PM
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